Projekta Erasmus + “Fiziskā audzināšana - aktīvs dzīvesveids” ietvaros visas iesaistītās valstis iepazīstināja ar savas skolas labo praksi sporta stundās un ārpussundu pasākumos, saistītiem ar sportu. Skolēniem bija lieliska iespēja iesaistīties visās aktivitātēs un izmēģināt (izņemot nokavēto Čehijas mobilitāti Covid-19 dēļ). Labās prakses apraksti tika iekļauti sporta skolotāju rokasgrāmatā, kā arī tika sagatavota videofilma, lai atspoguļotu labās prakses piemērus. Materiāli tika sagatavoti angļu valodā saskaņā ar projekta pieteikuma prasībām.
Pielikumā- rokasgrāmata, īss apraksts:
Eiropas Savienības Erasmus+ programmas Pamatdarbības Nr.2 (KA2) skolu apmaiņas partnerību projekts Nr. 2018-1-HU01-KA229-047787_3 “PHYSICAL EDUCATION – ACTIVE LIFESTYLE”, tulk. “Sports- aktīvs dzīvesveids”
"Physical Education - Active Lifestyle" (PEALS )
Context: Our project is based on the shared value of physical activities and active lifestyle which is the only way to lifelong fitness and good health. We want to discover and exchange new innovative ways of curricular and extracurricular physical activities.
Objectives: to raise the profile of Physical Education (P.E.) and active lifestyle in the 5 partner schools.
For students: to create fun and pleasure through physical activities; to promote health and well-being for lifelong learning; to encourage social inclusion and develop social competence; to increase their ability to work in multicultural groups, positive attitude towards European projects and tolerance towards different cultures.
For schools and teachers: to build a network; to exchange good practices; to find new innovative methods to enhance students’ physical, personal, intellectual and social competencies in extracurricular activities.
- Közgazdasági Politechnikum Hungary
-Madonas Valsts ģimnāzija Latvia
-10 Geniko Lykeio Aigiou Greece
-Širvintų r. Gelvonų gimnazija Lithuania
-Gymnázium J. A. Komenského Czech Republic
15 teachers in the given schools, most of them P.E. teachers;
100 – 125 students.
Description of activities - short term student exchanges:
Show your talent – Hungary
Winter sports and Snow day – Latvia;
Sport and environment – Lithuania;
Not virtual but real life – Olympic Games and fair play – the Czech Republic;
Non-formal sport activities built into P.E. curriculum – Can it be done? – Greece.
- At after-school workshops for students: group and pair work, presentations, studying partner schools and countries – history, geography, people, habits, languages, etc..
- At student exchanges: ’learning by doing’ – transnational group or pair work, peer to peer learning; interactive workshops, presentations, discussions, games, intercultural learning, etc..
- At final project meeting: presentations, reports, analysis, discussions, monitoring and evaluating progress, evaluation forms, surveys.
Impact: On partner schools – the project will enhance their extracurricular physical education programs with innovative, non formal, project- and activity based methods.
On participating teachers – the project will contribute to the development of their motivation, attitude, professional skills and methods, English and ICT competences, and help to prevent professional burnout.
On participating students – they will have a more active, healthy lifestyle leading to lifelong fitness.
Projekta aktivitāšu norises materiāli:
Publikācija par mobilitāti uz Ungāriju
Mobilitāte Madonā: Mobilitate_Madona
Lietuvas mobilitāte: par Lietuvu
Izglītojamo viedoklis par darbību projektā: skolēni _par_Erasmus+
Mobilitāte Grieķijā: Mobilitāte Grieķijā